Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Uncertainty and Confusion

I am at a place right now where the next 6-9 months are very uncertain. I don't know how things will shape up at my job, whether I will be in this country, when will S finish his phd ... these are too many uncertainties for me to feel happy. You see, I like to plan in advance so I know when I have to do what and this is exactly the kind of situation that makes me very uncomfortable. I am stuck in a job and want to do something else, however, can't do anything about it for many reasons including visa ones. I am sure I have mentioned this on the blog as I have whined about it to everyone I know. But then I think that maybe I should be thankful that I have a job given what has happened. Moreover, since I really can't do anything about the situation, I should just be patient and wait for things to unfold over the next 6 months. In between I have a wedding to attend in Denver and a trip to Bahamas which right now feels like meh, another beach. You ask why did I plan the trip - again, because both of us need to get our visas renewed and have to go outside the country.

Btw I am still thinking about the glass ceiling issue and one thing that came to me was just because we don't see something in our immediate surrounding doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I think thats where most of my (guy) friends are coming from when they declare glass ceiling doesn't exist.

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