Monday, May 19, 2008

Running in the rain

We had another nice weekend and the best part was Saturday was sort of unplanned. We met Mukul for dinner at this really cool wine bar called Supper - it was the discovery of the day! We had to wait but the brick wall, dimly lit ambiance, excellent wine selection and food that smacked of fresh ingredients made my evening. Plus we had a nice chat with M about his stories of the India trip...potential plans of moving to India...sigh! No one will be left in this city soon. Anyway so after dinner some people were supposed to come over to our house for a drinks and chat session, however, it was lovely spring weather outside so we decided to go to a rooftop bar instead. We waited in line for some time but rain dramatically lowered the value of the rooftop so we ran to another bar - this was my favourite part of the evening - running in the rain!! We were 9 of us so there was utter confusion on where we have to go, umbrellas were in short supply so all of us were literally running in the rain like a bunch of kids enjoying first showers after really hot summer day!! I felt really free and reminded me of Delhi summer when we would go`out and enjoy the first monsoon rain. It was just nice to let go....and the phenomenal weather added to my exhilaration. To many more such evenings!

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